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From the decompilation of the preloader, we get some really interesting information about brom.

How does the preloader know how to enter brom?

The preloader checks for a specific button combination to enter download mode (which we think for us could be BROM), and if it detects said combination, the preloader enters download.

During the boot process, the function are_dl_keys_pressed() is called to check if the keys are pressed.

ret = are_dl_keys_pressed();


The function platform_emergency_download(int timeout) is defined as follows:

#define MODULE "[PLFM]"

void platform_emergency_download(int timeout)
pr_debug("%S emergency download mode(timeout=%d)\n", MODULE, timeout);

platform_safe_mode(1, timeout);



The code for the download keys in the moto g23/g13 is the following:

#define KPDL1 KPCOL0 // 0
#define KPDL2 PWRKEY_HW // 8
#define KPDL3 HOMEKEY_RST // 17

bool are_dl_keys_pressed()
if(mtk_detect_key(KPDL1) && mtk_detect_key(KPDL2) && mtk_detect_key(KPDL3))
pr_debug("dl keys are pressed\n");
return true;

return false;

By analyzing the logs, we were able to assign the following values to the keys:

Vol- (KPCOL1)1
Vol+ (HOMEKEY)17

The mtk_detect_key(int key) outputs a different string based on what button is pressed:


#define KEYPAD_MAX_NUM 0x47

bool mtk_detect_key(int key)
bool ret;
char msg[128];

if (key > KEYPAD_MAX_NUM){
return false;

if (key == PWRKEY_HW){
ret = is_power_key_pressed();

if(ret != 1){
return false;

msg = "power key is pressed";
if (key != MTK_PMIC_RST_KEY){
if(....) // This check is still to get decompiled, but I assume it confirms that any other key is pressed based on the context
pr_debug("key %d is pressed\n", key);
return true;
return false;

pr_debug("mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MTK_PMIC_RST_KEY = %d\n");
ret = pmic_detect_homekey();

if (ret != 1){
return false;

msg = "mtk detect key pmic_detect_homekey pressed\n";


pr_debug("%s\n", msg);
return true;

Based on these information, there should be the chance to get into brom by pressing the following combination: KPCOL0 (TP) + Pwr + Vol+. However, many tests have confirmed the inability of the phone to access BROM mode, making this discovery not that useful.